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Lyon Meet Up

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Hi Zeo & Michou

We have had problems with the rear tyre and will go to Clermont Wednesday to meet Fifi and sort it out, we will not be going to Lyon please accept our apologies, will not be able to meet you. Hope to see you at Inzane...Kind Regards Geoff & Jane

Date de publication : 11/05/2010 22:23
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Lyon Meet Up
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I hope we could find a tyre tomorrow morning, if not i have put mine rear wheel in my car, and i bring it to meet you tomorrow in honda dealer shop.
I know them and be sure that they could do the necessery quickly.

See you tomorrow at 10H


Date de publication : 11/05/2010 23:44
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Lyon Meet Up
Fifi, ask them (honda 63) to do a complete maintenance of Geoff's Valk, who has too many kms in France!
If not he never join Bussang...

Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Lyon Meet Up
Semi pro
Semi pro

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Michou phoned me. So we meet u at Bussang.
Ride safe.

Date de publication : 12/05/2010 21:37
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Lyon Meet Up

Informations utilisateur
Hi We are staying with our English friend Pete, north of the Pyrenees, having a great time, but again I have a flat tire after a lovely drive through the mountains, not biking it so we fitted the spare on the 307. Spent all morning yesterday visiting 7 garages in Tarbes, no one had Continental tyres, so they wanted to fit two of another make....I understand why. Eventually found one, and getting it fitted Monday, It seems whenever I visit France I buy a new tyre...That's Life

Date de publication : 25/09/2011 07:44
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Lyon Meet Up
Membre du
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1°) First solution : you certainly need to ride without Jane now or tell to her to stop Beer and Pudding,
- if she's not agree (i hope so)
2°) You can put a big slap to Pete because he does not give you some luck.
- If he's not agree (I hope so Too) ah ah ah!!!
3°) If you have 3 to 5 days to wait you can buy one here : Pneu online or this one Mynetmoto

If it's not work i have a Avon here on a whells

The best for Jane and you and ride safe.


Date de publication : 25/09/2011 11:03
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Lyon Meet Up
vieux sage
vieux sage

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Citation :

FiFi a écrit:
1°) First solution : you certainly need to ride without Jane now or tell to her to stop Beer and Pudding,


This is not a gentleman answer! A lot of slaps to Fifi.

The only explanation of your apparent lack of luck is only due to the extroardinary accuracy of the french sattelite survey.

Everytime you are in France, you are located ans nails are thrown under your wheels because we want you to stay by us. We love you so much.

Date de publication : 25/09/2011 11:56
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Lyon Meet Up
Membre du
Membre du

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The French tires are recognized all over the world

Image redimensionnée

Date de publication : 25/09/2011 12:17
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Lyon Meet Up

Informations utilisateur
Thanks Guys, l am sure French Tyres are great, but the delivery drivers not so good, never managed to get one so took the car back to Toulouse Airport and left it there.....big expense in a few weeks maybe, look forward to seeing some of you in Czech Republic.

Date de publication : 27/09/2011 23:45
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

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