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France Vs Wales, Rugby Saturday 17th March

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I will be supporting France at the Millenium Stadium, Cardiff on Saturday, Do you think my dress is OK ?

I am not wishing to offend my Freinds, but this is how many in the UK think Frenchmen look, its just for a bit of fun and may upset a few Welshmen.. Apologies for the Basque Beret but its all I had.

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Date de publication : 15/03/2012 19:41
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: France Vs Wales, Rugby Saturday 17th March
perfect, a true Gaulois

A+ gilles

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Re: France Vs Wales, Rugby Saturday 17th March
Membre du
Membre du

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good evening
it's good but you lack the bottle of red wine to make the real Basque

Date de publication : 15/03/2012 20:04
Faites la bourre, pas la guerre...
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Re: France Vs Wales, Rugby Saturday 17th March
vieux sage
vieux sage

Informations utilisateur
You should bring with you a French baguette rather than garlic.

Date de publication : 15/03/2012 23:20
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: France Vs Wales, Rugby Saturday 17th March
vieux sage
vieux sage

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where is your cock ?

Date de publication : 17/03/2012 04:10
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Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: France Vs Wales, Rugby Saturday 17th March
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Citation :

Geoff a écrit:

I will be supporting France at the Millenium Stadium, Cardiff on Saturday, Do you think my dress is OK ?

I am not wishing to offend my Freinds, but this is how many in the UK think Frenchmen look, its just for a bit of fun and may upset a few Welshmen.. Apologies for the Basque Beret but its all I had.

Hi Geoff,

you're right this is not a Basque Beret. Looks like a "Chasseur Alpin Tarte" wich is a Great symbol of one of our elite Army corp. Be proud of that as this corp has a long history and many soldiers died during the last war against germans.

Now their are fighting in Afghanistan against Talibans with US and English armies.

Enjoy your rubgy math, we will be with you to support France

Date de publication : 17/03/2012 11:45
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: France Vs Wales, Rugby Saturday 17th March
Semi pro
Semi pro

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Citation :

Geoff a écrit:

I will be supporting France at the Millenium Stadium, Cardiff on Saturday, Do you think my dress is OK ?

I am not wishing to offend my Freinds, but this is how many in the UK think Frenchmen look, its just for a bit of fun and may upset a few Welshmen.. Apologies for the Basque Beret but its all I had.

Hi Geoff,

you're right this is not a Basque Beret. Looks like a "Chasseur Alpin Tarte" wich is a Great symbol of one of our elite Army corp. Be proud of that as this corp has a long history and many soldiers died during the last war against germans.

Now their are fighting in Afghanistan against Talibans with US and English armies.

Enjoy your rubgy match, we will be with you to support France

Date de publication : 17/03/2012 11:46

Modifié par : WALLY13 le 17/03/2012 13:48:58
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

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