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Meeting of Friends, North Wales VRCCUK 10th Anniversary

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We had our 10th Anniversary Party in Llangollen, North Wales last weekend, two good rideouts in the Welsh mountains (and rain) live music in the evening, Sumo wrestling, plenty of good food, Welsh Beer and I expect a few bottles of French Wine..Fifi !

We may well have next years meeting at the same location, so if you like the idea of Narrow twisty roads, Rain and Sheep, why not come along, It may be at the end of July 2012, I will keep you posted.

A few pics Jane took on the link:

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Date de publication : 12/09/2011 21:57
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Meeting of Friends, North Wales VRCCUK 10th Anniversary
vieux sage
vieux sage

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Geoff a écrit:

We had our 10th Anniversary Party in Llangollen, North Wales last weekend, two good rideouts in the Welsh mountains (and rain) live music in the evening, Sumo wrestling, plenty of good food, Welsh Beer and I expect a few bottles of French Wine..Fifi !

We may well have next years meeting at the same location, so if you like the idea of Narrow twisty roads, Rain and Sheep, why not come along, I will keep you posted.

A few pics Jane took on the link:

What a fucking shinny weather !
Quite disapointed : there is no snapshot of completely bare riders crossing the meadow with their Valk!

And always remember : Don't bother the sheeps, they won't bother you.

Date de publication : 12/09/2011 22:09
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

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