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Chatweekend Meeting

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We went to the Chatweekend Meeting in the Ardennes last weekend, this is organised by our Belgian and Netherlands VRCC friends. Had a great weekend with a couple of good rideouts stopping for visits at a Museum, Butchery, Brewery and the largest bull in Belgium (maybe Europe).

A few pics on the link:

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Date de publication : 24/06/2009 21:04
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Chatweekend Meeting
thanks for the link Geoff
nice pics

Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Chatweekend Meeting
hello Geoff,

During TDH you talked us about this meeting.
Concerning Yann, he joined the Inzane meeting in Finland. Jean received a phone call from Yann 2 days ago. We wait for other news.

Nice to see you soon

Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Chatweekend Meeting
Membre du
Membre du

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Yann phone to me this afternoon

First day : Avranche (France) Hamburg (Germany)
Second day : Hamburg to Stockolm (Sueden)
3eme day ; Stockolm to Port (300km)
4eme day : Finland port to Inzane
He 's arrived this afternoon to Inzane with a 24 degrees of temperature.

Always alone for a long ride but he meet VRCC nederland and belgium members in port and finish with them.

FiFi le Gnat

Date de publication : 25/06/2009 18:42
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Chatweekend Meeting

Informations utilisateur
Thanks John & FiFi for the update on Yann's progress, glad he got there safe, hope he does not get bitten by the mosquito's (or gnats as we call them in the UK) as I hear there are plenty of them living by the lakes in Finland when its warm.

Date de publication : 25/06/2009 20:17
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Chatweekend Meeting
Citation :

Geoff a écrit:
hope he does not get bitten by the mosquito's (or gnats as we call them in the UK)

In french "Gnat" has not the same meaning ...

Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Chatweekend Meeting
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Membre du

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Geoff know that, John, we have togheter a long explanation behind a lager. It's a joke between us ah ah ah!!!
I could explain to Geoff, the real difference between Scottisch and Gnat. ah ah ah!!!


Date de publication : 25/06/2009 22:03
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Chatweekend Meeting
Sorry my buds
I will pay the next Lager

Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Chatweekend Meeting

Informations utilisateur
John...We will be at INZANE FR for sure then

Date de publication : 26/06/2009 14:48
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Chatweekend Meeting
a Guiness draught for Geoff

Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

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