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Inzane 4

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Hi All

Early days for planning meet ups for Inzane but Jane and I are leaving from Lyon on Thursday Morning 13th May, would be great to travel with the VRCC FR to Inzane anyone going our way ?


Geoff & Jane

Date de publication : 17/03/2010 00:59
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Inzane 4

Informations utilisateur
Hi Geoff,
we have to check with Fifi about the exact date, but we'll leave from around this area to go to the Inzane 4.

Coming from Italy, I'll go through Lyon to join Fifi, who live 'not so far', but i don't have the exact dates in mind: to confirm.



Date de publication : 17/03/2010 01:41
Lone wolf / Image redimensionnée
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Inzane 4
Membre du
Membre du

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No Nico we go May 12 for meeting préparation. and we don't ride by Lyon but Clermont Ferrand and Dijon (Beaune arhhhhh good win)
But for the 13 you have : Michou - Zeothelight - and Nanard who go togheter in Inzane from Lyon and some other who come from Marseille the same days.

Nice to meet you in Inzane and some smack to Jane from mosquito


Date de publication : 17/03/2010 09:16
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Inzane 4
Semi pro
Semi pro

Informations utilisateur
Hi Geoff,
'til now, we are two leaving from LYON Thursday the 13th (Michou and me), perhaps more (i have to ask our members leaving near LYON if they want to ride with us).

We'd be pleased to ride with you (and why not with Nico and Fifi )

PS : Do you sleep in an hotel in LYON ? Perhaps I can pick you up at this hotel on Thursday morning ? More on MP if u want ...

PS2 : Owned by Fifi

Date de publication : 17/03/2010 09:39
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Inzane 4

Informations utilisateur
Ha ha, did i told you that I always mix dates ? ˆˆ And for Lyon, of course we don't go through, but me ***I*** will go through Lyon to join Fifi, so...

Anyway, we'll meet all on site.


Date de publication : 17/03/2010 11:46
Lone wolf / Image redimensionnée
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Inzane 4

Informations utilisateur
Thanks for all the response Nico & Fifi. Yea Zeo we are staying at the Les Carres Pegase ... rtment-les-carres-pegase/ so if its no trouble maybe we can meet Michou and You there that would be great, I shall post later on and we can arrange time etc.

Thanks Geoff

Date de publication : 17/03/2010 21:34
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Inzane 4
presque-honorable ;-)
presque-honorable ;-)

Informations utilisateur
Ok, we'll be pleased to travel with you. We'll be 3 motos from Lyon, 4 with you.
We send you a mail later for making an appointement.
(Sorry for my bad shool english)

Date de publication : 17/03/2010 22:36
Il vaut mieux parfois fermer sa gueule et avoir l'air con que l'ouvrir et ne laisser aucun doute a ce sujet.
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

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