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Joke - just for fun
One guy says, "I had a Freudian slip on my way to this conference. When I went to the counter to buy the airline tickets, the girl selling them had huge breasts. When it was my turn, I looked at her and said, 'I'd like two p ickets to Titsburgh, please.' She thought it was pretty funny."
The other guy said, "Wow, that's an amazing coincidence - I had a Freudian slip while having breakfast with my wife this morning. I wanted to say, 'Would you please pass the pancakes?' but it came out 'You ruined my life - you wretched whore.'"

Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Joke - just for fun
vieux sage
vieux sage

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I have some difficulties to appreciate the whole humour of that joke ( just of problem of translation )

I just remember of something pleasant to ask to ladies : " Show your tits"

I also remember "tit for tat" which does not mean " nichon à tater " but " un prêté pour un rendu "

Date de publication : 06/10/2009 23:04
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Joke - just for fun
presque-honorable ;-)
presque-honorable ;-)

Informations utilisateur
Grand Lu,

this is maybe easier to understand:

What is a difference between a woman in a church and a woman in the bath (baignoare) ?

The woman in the church has a soul full of hope,
the woman in a bath has a hole full os soap!

Date de publication : 08/10/2009 00:08
Il vaut mieux se faire traiter de trou de c.. qu’a trainer son c.. dans le trou !
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Joke - just for fun
vieux sage
vieux sage

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Citation :

sasha47 a écrit:

this is maybe easier to understand:

Yes, it is!

Vive les contrepétries en anglais!

Date de publication : 08/10/2009 08:36
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Joke - just for fun
A guy is balancing the check book and sees a $500 expenditure to a beauty cream company. And he of course asks his wife about it.
She seems a little embarrassed and tells him it’s for “breast enhancement cream” to increase the size of her bust.
He gets angry and says, “You spent $500 on cream to make you’re breasts bigger?” Why didn’t you just rub toilet paper on them?

She says “Will that work?” and he replies.

It worked on your rear!

Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Joke - just for fun
vieux sage
vieux sage

Informations utilisateur
Citation :

John a écrit:
“You spent $500 on cream to make you’re breasts bigger?” Why didn’t you just rub toilet paper on them?

She says “Will that work?” and he replies.

It worked on your rear!


Date de publication : 25/03/2010 13:26
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Joke - just for fun
Semi pro
Semi pro

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Date de publication : 25/03/2010 22:03
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Joke - just for fun
Two recruits found three hand grenades on the road and decided to take them back to the base. “What if one of them explodes?” asked the one young private. “No problem,” said his buddy. “We’ll say we only found two.”

Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

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