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Inzane 4

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Yippee, Jane and I are signed up and looking forward to riding those great French roads again, and meeting up with our friends in the VRCC FR, I am told its a Ski Resort, will we need snow chains..

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Date de publication : 01/10/2009 18:18
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Inzane 4
vieux sage
vieux sage

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Citation :

Geoff a écrit:
I am told its a Ski Resort, will we need snow chains..

Obviously that snow chains are mandatory and also wolf trap, compass and so on because it is located in a wellknown spatiotemporal fracture!

Date de publication : 01/10/2009 19:35
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Inzane 4
vieux sage
vieux sage

Informations utilisateur
Citation :

Geoff a écrit:
I am told its a Ski Resort, will we need snow chains..

Obviously that snow chains are mandatory and also wolf trap, compass and so on because it is located in a wellknown spatiotemporal fracture!

Date de publication : 01/10/2009 19:35
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Inzane 4
Membre du
Membre du

Informations utilisateur
Hy Geoff, this year (2009) two weeks before the Inzane date, our scoots (Dany and Tchoumes)go on place for location and have some snow on road, some roads could be still closed.
Ah ah ah ah!!! so take a heavy coat.

FiFi le Gnat

Date de publication : 01/10/2009 20:40
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: Inzane 4
Membre du
Membre du

Informations utilisateur
Hy Geoff, this year (2009) two weeks before the Inzane date, our scoots (Dany and Tchoumes)go on place for location and have some snow on road, some roads could be still closed.
Ah ah ah ah!!! so take a heavy coat.

FiFi le Gnat

Date de publication : 01/10/2009 20:41
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

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