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very stupid people
I found this on another board and thought it was hilarious. I don't feel the least bit sorry for the people in this video because they put themselves in harm's way.

Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: very stupid people

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I agree most of the people deserve what they get, I feel sorry for the Dog and Donkey that seemed to get mixed up and of course the Bull, whatever happens to him in the end.

Date de publication : 17/09/2009 07:13
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: very stupid people
hey Geoff
You mess with the bull, you get the horn

Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: very stupid people
Hi Lafouine

When you talk english you look like ... to say ...well I think to a fellow dressed in Beshop suit
God bless you Lafouine

Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: very stupid people
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Ha ha ha ha ha ha excellent John!

FiFi le Gnat

Date de publication : 17/09/2009 20:54
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: very stupid people
Shoot John,don't worry, be happy

Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: very stupid people
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yeah but what a rush you should try it! we had small bulls to run with when i was akid in lunel in the south of france. nothing more exiting .we waited all year for that. adrenaline junkies, when the big bulls would jump over the fence and run through everyone during a cocarde .that my friends was FUN! but i don tunderstand why the bulls on these videos have ropes around their necks?

Date de publication : 18/09/2009 08:10
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: very stupid people
I didn't watch the video until now
hahahahaha so good so good

Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

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