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Annual Valkyrie Meeting Ace Cafe London

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Today we had the annual Valkyrie meeting at the Ace Cafe London, Its an informal meeting to have a traditional English breakfast...sausage, egg, bacon, beans, tomatoes & toast and have a good chat about Valkyries & this and that. About 35 Valks turned up which is a good number for the UK.

One of our members Pete is looking to settle in the South of France, he is coming over in October with his Motorhome towing the Valkyrie, to spend some time looking for properties. I have told Pete about the warm welcome you all gave Jane and myself at the Rocamandour Meeting, I am sure that you will welcome Pete to France when he arrives.

Attached link yo Ace Cafe Pics:

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Date de publication : 20/09/2009 21:17
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