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inzzane9 second try
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i had been typing for a half hour about the trip to Frisco but when i try to send it i was told i was not
we went we came back it was hard riding we enjoyed!

Date de publication : 28/07/2009 21:59
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: inzzane9 second try
Hi Fred
happy to see you'r enjoyed
I can see many pics on the US board
nice trip Bro ........hope this travel was not too hard

Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: inzzane9 second try
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Semi pro

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my appologies to everyone for the above, i was pissed off.
the trip up was great EARLYBIRD rode with us alltheway to coloradospring .heavy rain around dallas and going up the mountains to frisco, it actually was cold!we where ready for heat not cold. we had a great time. i ll post picts later . the return was long and hot from Raton NM. to houston in 19 hours and 106 f temp ,1250 km.
i had a small accident in brian at a gas station when i turned, too slow, too heavy, too tired, and dropped the bike on my left foot. broken fibula! it kept me awake the rest of the trip 2 hours to houston at1:15 am
all is well.
later bros!

Date de publication : 29/07/2009 22:19
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: inzzane9 second try

Informations utilisateur
Franco, there's, like often on forums, a time delay to submit and to stay connected without any activity. So if you have a veryyyy long text, fort write it offline, then copy/paste it in the submission area... That's one of the basic rule in internet "Online" usages ;)

Date de publication : 29/07/2009 23:00
Lone wolf / Image redimensionnée
Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

Re: inzzane9 second try
sorry for your fibula Fred
hope it's not too hard for you now
by the way excelent pics and happy to see this travel was very great
your bud JEAN

Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit M. Wong Haut

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